Why do course videos keep pausing, stopping, or playing at a low quality?
  • 29 Dec 2020
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Why do course videos keep pausing, stopping, or playing at a low quality?

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Article summary

Why do course videos keep pausing, stopping, or playing at a low quality?

Playback issues, pausing, low quality, stopping

Our video players dynamically adjust which quality of video is served to you based on your internet connection speed, so that we can deliver a continuous stream regardless of connection speed. Therefore, if course videos are playing at low quality or starting and stopping regularly, you are likely operating at very low internet speeds. If you pause the video and wait for more (or all) of it to download before you resume playing, it will play without stopping. You can tell how much of the video has downloaded by looking at the controller bar at the bottom of the player window. You will see the bar fill in with gray, from left to right, as the video downloads. Once the controller bar is completely gray, the video has finished downloading.

If you’re having problems that might be related to internet speed:

  • Make sure you’re using a LAN connected (wired) instead of a wireless connection this can improve internet speed in many cases
  • Close all streaming video or music open on your computer
  • Check your internet speed using a website like http://www.speedtest.net/

If your internet speed is still running slower than the recommended values, you may need to talk to your IT department to see if they can assist

Our minimum requirements for streaming video are as follows:

For streaming video, 512kbps is the absolute minimum and 768kbps or greater is recommended.
2Mbps is the recommended minimum for full screen and produces very good quality video.
For true HD quality, 5Mbps is recommended.

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