What are Active, Invited, and Inactive Members?
  • 29 Dec 2020
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What are Active, Invited, and Inactive Members?

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What are Active, Invited, and Inactive Members?

Active, Invited, and Inactive Members

There are three types of learners whose records are associated with your organization:

Invited Members – When a learner is added to your account, they are first listed in the “Invited members tab. When you add members individually or when you send us a list of learners to bulk import, our system sends an email notifying them that they have been added to your organization’s account and must set up their individual account by choosing a password. Once they choose their password and log into their account, they will transition to the “Active members” tab. If they never go through the process of choosing a password and logging in, they'll remain listed an “Invited member.”

Active Members – Learners who have been added to your account and who have gone through the process of choosing a password and logging into the system to complete their profile.

Inactive Members - If you deactivate a member, they will no longer show in either your Invited or Active Members tab, although their training records do remain on file and are not deleted even if the user is removed. If you change your mind, you can select the “Add member” button to enter the

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