How do I generate certificates of completion?
  • 29 Dec 2020
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How do I generate certificates of completion?

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How do I generate certificates of completion?


The easiest way to generate certificates that your learners have earned is through the "Reports" page in the Admin dashboard.

– First, start a new report, and then select your parameters like date range learners, courses, etc. In the same row at the bottom of the page that you would select to download your report, there is a button to "Download Certificates" e. The certificates included in the report request you specified will be downloaded to your computer as a .zip file.

If you selected a complex report such as a large period of time or several learners, you may need to wait for the system to process your request and generate the .zip file. If you want to speed up the process or have trouble with the system timing out, you may want to try breaking up your large request into multiple, smaller requests. For example, try requesting three months of records at a time instead of one year, or try requesting half of your learner records instead of all at once.

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