How do I add a User/Learner to my organization?
  • 29 Dec 2020
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How do I add a User/Learner to my organization?

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Article summary

How do I add a User/Learner to my organization?

Adding users, learner

The summary below will guide you through the steps for adding an individual user/learner to your organization.

Go to the “Members” page in the Admin panel.

Click the "Add member" button.
Enter the email address of the learner you want to add.

If the learner is not a user of Pooling Academy yet, you'll be asked to provide details like their name and email address. Click "Send invitation" to have our system send an account setup email to the learner so they can choose a password and set up their profile. In the meantime, you can still create Assignments for the learner, add them to Groups, and perform other functions.

If the learner is already in our system, you can simply fill in or update their profile information as needed. You can also designate a learner as an Administrator from this page.

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