How can I reset course progress for learners who previously completed the course in a prior time period?
  • 29 Dec 2020
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How can I reset course progress for learners who previously completed the course in a prior time period?

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How can I reset course progress for learners who previously completed the course in a prior time period?

Reset Course

As a Pooling Academy Administrator for your organization, you might need to reset course progress for learners who previously completed a course; for example, if you want users to refresh their knowledge.

Pooling Academy can automatically reset course progress based on assignment rules. For example, if you create an assignment with a start date and configure it to not allow completions prior to that start date, when the start date passes, any course progress will be reset so that any learner within that assignment will be able to earn a fresh completion.

To manually reset course progress for one or more learners, go to Admin > Manage Course Credit.

The “Bulk Reset” tab allows you to choose learners in bulk if needed, and then choose which courses to reset progress. You may want to do this if you already know several courses that need to be reset for a large group of your learners, or all your learners.

If you want to first see what completions have been earned before deciding what to reset, or to confirm a completion exists before resetting course progress, you can use the “Browse Completion” tab.

The “Recorded Credit” tab allows you to see which courses were completed offline (i.e., live environment), and recorded by a Pooling Academy Administrator or Group Owner.

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